Singing Guide: Godley & Creme

Singing Guide: Godley & Creme

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Learning to Sing like Godley & Creme- A Comprehensive Guide

Godley & Creme, the famous British music duo, is considered one of the pioneers of progressive and innovative music. Their vocal technique and unique sound have inspired many artists worldwide.

In this article, we will guide you on how to sing like Godley & Creme, highlighting their vocal technique and songs that showcase it. We will provide you with practical advice and relevant Singing Carrots resources that will help you achieve your singing goals.

Vocal Technique

Godley & Creme's signature sound is marked by their intricate harmonies, vocoder, and tape manipulations. In addition, they also use falsetto and distorted vocals to add depth and texture to their music.

To achieve their signature sound, you must master the following vocal techniques:

  • Harmony: To sing harmonies like Godley & Creme, you need to have a good ear for pitch and timing. Singing along with their music and analyzing the intervals will help you understand the harmony structure.
  • Vocoder: Godley & Creme were famous for their use of the vocoder effect in their music. Practicing with a vocoder plugin or hardware will help you get a feel for how the effect works and how you can use it in your own music.
  • Falsetto: Godley & Creme often used falsetto in their music to create a haunting and ethereal sound. To achieve this technique, you need to practice singing in your head voice and gradually develop your falsetto.
  • Distorted vocals: To replicate Godley & Creme's signature distorted vocals, experiment with distortion plugins or hardware and practice singing while using them.

Songs to Learn

To sing like Godley & Creme, you need to study their songs and understand their vocal techniques. Here are some of their popular songs that you should listen to:

  • "Cry": This song showcases Godley & Creme's intricate harmonies and use of the vocoder effect.
  • "Under Your Thumb": This song highlights their use of falsetto and distorted vocals.
  • "Wedding Bells": This song features Godley & Creme's signature vocal harmonies and use of the vocoder effect.

Practical Advice

To improve your singing, it is essential to practice regularly and maintain proper vocal health. Here are some practical tips that will help you in your singing journey:

  • Analyze your voice: Use the Singing Carrots vocal range test to determine your range and identify your strengths and weaknesses.
  • Learn breathing basics: Follow Singing Carrots' guide to active and passive breathing to improve your breath control and create a consistent tone.
  • Warm-up exercises: Practice vocal warm-up exercises before singing to prepare your voice for the session. Try Singing Carrots' pitch training and diaphragm bounce exercises to improve pitch accuracy and breath control.
  • Articulation: Practicing drills like finger bite, as explained by Singing Carrots, will improve your diction and clarity.

Singing Carrots resources:

Use Singing Carrots' pitch monitor and pitch training to practice your pitch accuracy and range. The educational singing course will teach you singing theory and practical tips to improve your skills. The song search feature allows you to find songs that match your vocal range, difficulty, and genre preference. Additionally, you can use Singing Carrots' progress statistics to monitor your singing improvements.


Godley & Creme's unique vocal technique and sound are the result of their experimentation and creativity. With practice and determination, you can learn how to sing like them and develop your unique sound.

Remember to use the Singing Carrots resources we have provided, including the pitch monitor, vocal range test, pitch training, and song search feature, and follow the practical advice to improve your vocal technique.

Keep practicing and experimenting, and you will achieve your singing goals soon!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.